Cleaning Bathrooms

After a LOVELY morning with my dear friends, Kara and I came home to take a nap. Well, she wanted to nap on my bed while I cleaned bathrooms. No problem.

I love doing chores:
* LAUNDRY and DISHES are everyday chores that feel small and keep the house looking clean to me. There's something therapeutic about those chores - you don't have to think while you do them. I love to pray while I do these chores. I've been doing them since I was a little girl, and I actually really like them.
* VACUUMING and SWEEPING makes me appreciate every single square inch of my house. The whole room looks so clean when it's freshly vacuumed. I don't go overboard and make straight lines, but I do love having a dirt free, hair free, sock fuzzy free floor.
* DEEP CLEANING I only do once or twice a year, and once I get started, I'm on a roll. I feel like I clean more than just behind my stove, it makes me start thinking about bringing all the junk I keep in my spiritual corners to the Lord. Sometimes he needs to use a brillo pad on me - it hurts at first, but I'm washed clean in the end!
* ORGANIZING makes me happy. This perfectionist adores organization. I've even passed it down to Kara. "Playing" these days means lining blocks up all in a row. She'll even do it according to color and tell me, look mommy, I o-gan-ized them!

I know I sound a little like a freak, but staying home and running the house is truly the calling for me. I love it. All that good stuff said, there are chores I hate. #1: mopping. I get all sweaty and water sloshes all around and it's a lot of effort for something that needs to be done again 7 days later. #2: ironing. I'm insanely bad at it. It takes 30 minutes to iron one shirt and I end up ironing wrinkles into it. It is officially Michael's job. #3: cleaning bathrooms. This is the worst. Mold, pee, poop. Yuck. Not to mention the chemicals I clean with stink and give me a headache and stomachache. So, I clean the bathrooms VERY rarely, which is worse because then they're even harder to clean. And I am trying to switch to all natural cleaners, which don't work as well.

When someone figures out a way get the bathrooms to clean themselves, please let me know!


Kattrina said…
Funny stuff! I don't mind the bathrooms and I use natural cleaners and they work fine - except for the chlorox that I use on the toilet, it's not natural and it's pretty potent. But the other stuff is natural and I don't have any problems. We also use natural mop stuff to mop the floors and natural dish washing soap when we hand wash the dishes. As you can tell - I'm paranoid about chemicals, especially around the baby. She's crawling all over the floor, etc. and those harsh chemicals can't be doing her any good.

I am the WORST at ironing too - I had a talent of ironing the wrinkles into the clothes and then never getting them out again. It's bad. I also have a tendency of washing and drying my clothes and then leaving them for a week so they are VERY wrinkled. I don't see how you do laundry every day - I do Ivan and my laundry once a week! In Honduras I washed my clothes by hand and dried them in the sun and it seemed so much more therapeutic. Now I hate it. My favorite chore? Washing dishes.
jessicaday said…
I do laundry about every other day. Michael has work clothes and clothes he wears at home, Kara sometimes spills stuff and has several outfits, and we all have pjs. Kara needs her sheets washed more often sometimes (ahem). It adds up to one dark load every other day and one light load twice a week. Good stuff!
Vicky said…
You definitely have the stay at home talent and gifts! As a matter of fact, you have enough for you, me, Liz and Jessica! I HATE all housework! PERIOD! :)
Kattrina said…
Ok - so the real reason I can get away with only doing laundry once a week is because apparently I don't wash my clothes. I wear my PJs for an entire week before washing them - and my work pants probably only get washed every 2-3 weeks, along with jeans. I wash my shirts every time I wear them along with my underwear...

And my "after work clothes" only get washed once a week too....

Maybe I'm just a dirty person.
jessicaday said…
Lol, Kattrina! No, you are a clean person. Our clothes are too dirty to let go more than once!
Anonymous said…
WOW! You definitely have a cleaning knack!!! Gosh I do laundry every single day M-F, sometimes Saturday, but never on Sundays. And it's usually 3 about three loads a day!! UGH!