Spring Cleaning - Phase One

I started my spring cleaning today. I started by organizing the filing cabinet (which sounds small, but I was almost a year behind!). Then I spent some time in the disaster area otherwise know as Kara's play room. It was messy around Christmas time and just got worse and worse and worse. You literally couldn't see a speck of carpet - it was completely covered. Nothing was put together, everything had pieces everywhere. While I was organizing, I decided to start getting rid of about 1/3 of the stuff - she hasn't played with in like two years anyway. So, I started pulling toys from the playroom, playroom closet, and basement closet. Then I cleared out a bunch of broken stuff. Then I vacuumed upstairs (something I've been waiting to do for a long time until I cleaned the play room). Then I cleaned out all my dresser drawers. Then I cleaned the bathroom. Then I did the dishes. Then I cleaned the vacuum cleaner itself. Then I baked homemade cinnamon bread for cards tonight. I was unstoppable! I am sore already! I'm like that though, I will go crazy doing everything one day then sit around and not do much for the next day or two. :-) I love having a job I can do whenever I want!

Next, I want to clear out Kara's clothes and some of the baby furniture. Then the landscaping guys are coming to take care of our trees. Then I need to buy a bunch more shelves for several rooms. Then I need to look into new tvs for our family room - it's starting to flicker. Wow, I'm tired just thinking about it!


Anonymous said…
You're a machine!!!! Can I hire you?
Elisabeth said…
If she's up for hire family members get first dibs!! =)
Kattrina said…
Sounds like my weekend! Ivan and I finished staining the deck (ok, so maybe it was just him, but I bought the stain), then we cleaned up the garden and put down the mulch, then I cleaned the bathrooms, cleared off the tables (where junk accumulates), cleaned the kitchen and all kitchen appliances, vacuumed, washed the sheets, made the beds, did laundry, swept and mopped the house, went grocery shopping, cooked steak and beans for dinner, and picked my sister up at the airport. And that was just Saturday!!!
jessicaday said…
Something about the weather just makes you want to get things clean and in order!
Vicky said…
I HATE that I'm too busy right now to spring clean! (NOT!) Between knitting and computer problems/fixes and designing and copying files, I can't take time to clean! :)