
I'm sitting here on the computer while Kara is playing in the tub. I gave her the toy tub letters and I can tell she's putting them up on order because I hear her singing the ABC song up until H. Then again up until I. Then again up until J. :-) Do you ever stop and think that EVERYTHING your kid knows (by 2 or 3 anyway) they know because YOU taught them? Colors, letters, songs, philosophy, accents, how to get dressed, manners, etc. They soak it all in like a sponge. Sometimes it's fun, other times it's overwhelming. A lot of pressure, you know? The worst part is soon she'll be in school I WON'T be the only one teaching her things - there will be other, outside influences! Yikes!


Elisabeth said…
I completely know what you're saying! Ryan has proved very hard to teach so I have kinda put it on the back burner. I just don't have anymore ideas! I plan to start working with him again this summer when I am doing worksheets with Hannah to make sure she doesn't forget what she has learned in school so far. I know Kara is going to do great in school. She's always been very smart.
jessicaday said…
Kara just loves to learn any way you can teach you. She begs me to do "school" every single day - where we sit down at the table and do workbooks for 4-6 year olds. But, she is unusual! Ryan is completely normal and just too young to be into that sort of thing. By the time he's old enough to go to school, he'll be more open to it. :-)
Vicky said…
Generally, boys are different. They don't have time to sit and learn! They are more mechanical and want to be doing!

But, it is an awesome responsibility that God gave us moms in the training of our children! That is a HUGE thing! And, definitely scary at times!