The Empty Box

I just posted this on facebook, but I thought I'd cheat and put it here too:

I packed up a ton of Kara's old toys she hasn't played with in a long time and sold them at a consignment shop. (I got a whopping $25 - not too shabby!) I wanted to use this opportunity to teach her about giving and how it will be nice for other kids to play with toys she doesn't need anymore. I told her we could pick up one new toy while we're there (so she'd see how happy it made her). We didn't find anything, so I told her maybe we'd get something at WalMart. When we got home, I set the empty bin (that had all the stuff we just sold in) aside and she got SO excited. She asked if she could play with it. She said, "Is this my new toy? I love it!!" She's been sitting inside it for the last half hour and I have a feeling it will be the highlight of her day. Kids never change - they just want the empty box. :-)


Anonymous said…
Oh that is too funny!!!
Vicky said…
LOL! Too funny!