Michael's First Week

Today is Friday, the last day of Michael's first week at his new job. From what I can tell (remember, he's not much of a talker), he's really enjoying it. He spent the first few days waiting for the ever-efficient government employees to give him permissions to see the files he was just using last week, so he went to work and stared at the wall for about two and a half days. After that, he got to look at the code (remember, he's a software engineer) and get started. His coworkers are very surprised and impressed at how quickly he's picking it up. They thought it would take several weeks, but not my Michael. It took him about an afternoon. Can you imagine living with a brain like his? No wonder he's so successful. He works on a small team and only sits in the same spaces with two other people, which is just fine with him because he's antisocial as it is. All the other people on his team are young (in their 20s like he is) and total computer nerds like he is, so they're antisocial too. I think it's a match made in heaven! They will all suit each other very well. :-)

He was happy to hear he is in the same building, same hallway, same floor, and even the next room over from his last office, so he can still park in the same place, use "the good cafeteria", and have access to the bank and post office. There isn't a whole lot about the code he can share, but he did say it's a fairly new project and that there are lots of pieces that will need work together and he will just be working on one of the pieces. I know him and I'm sure he'll have the new piece done in a way no one could have even thought of and everyone working on the other pieces will want his help to make theirs look like his. :-) I'm so proud of him, can you tell?

Overall it's going very well and I'm really happy for him. I'm also looking forward to the hefty pay raise he is getting with this new job. However, since they get paid monthly (which I kind of like), we will be waiting 6 weeks for his first pay check. *gulp* It's a good thing we planned ahead for this and used our tax returns to save for this situation. However, it will feel weird to pay all our bills from "savings".


Elisabeth said…
Glad to hear it's going well. That's my brother! =)
jessicaday said…
:-) He is a GOOD man. I say that a lot, but it's still not enough. :-)
Vicky said…
I am loving this picture of you two! When was it taken?

Yes, I'm very proud of him, too! The son every mother dreams of! Thanks be to the LORD!
jessicaday said…
Thanks, Mom. I just sent it to you in an email. That picture was taken on our Alaskan cruise last year. I can't wait for the Caribbean this year!! Happy 30th to me!