
I've been told I need to be careful what I blog. If I complain about having a bad day, especially if it concerns Michael, that's not a good thing, but if I only talk about how great my life is, it may be bragging. I guess I assume the only people who read this know me well and know my heart and intentions. I do have bad days, I do get annoyed with Michael and Kara, I do get jealous of what others have, and most of all, I AM annoying! :-) Usually when I blog, I focus on one subject and try to give God the glory when I have good days.

I work really hard to appreciate what I have and where my life is right now. Some days it's easier than others. I spent too much of my life wishing away the present because I couldn't wait for the future. I have a great life, but there are many things I need to work on and many things I wish were better. God is working with me on those things.

I guess the bottom line is, I hope when you all read these blogs you know my heart and know that I am trying my best. I have good days and bad days and a blog is just focusing on one subject.

Life is all about balance - balance work with rest, chores with fun, living life with volunteering, family with friends, spending money with saving money, etc, etc, etc. I will probably be learning to balance my life for the REST OF MY LIFE. But, the Lord is helping me through it and will always be there when I need Him.

I love you all and I hope I haven't offended anyone! :-)


Kattrina said…
I think you should be able to blog about whatever you like - even if it is complaining about Michael or bragging about your life. I think it's hard because your family/friends are the main readers so then it's very easy to offend people. I rarely mention things like that in my blog for that specific reason (hence an entire blog about happiness that prevents me from posting anything negative about anyone). However, as a non-family member of yours (and someone who most likely won't be the subject of any of your blog posts), I really enjoy reading your blog about your daily trials and tribulations. It's refreshing and fun to hear about your current life (since I knew your so long ago) and I wouldn't say that I ever thought that you were bragging. You have a great life - write about it!!! Plenty of people write about their crappy lives...
Well, I just wanted to let you know that I didn't get offended by your blog. And, if you want to write about something but don't want to post it, you can email me. I don't have any idea who most of the people in your life are, so I'm pretty safe. :-) Hugs to you Jessica - you are a great person!!
jessicaday said…
Thanks so much, Kattrina. Your encouraging words go a long way! :-)
Elisabeth said…
I think we are all annoying to someone at some point in our lives. We are all different, we are all humans and we are all sinners. Balance is a hard thing to find
Anonymous said…
The blog is yours. It's about you and whatever you do. Good days, bad days, whatever! You should write about whatever you want or need to write about. I have never thought twice about anything you've posted. Never noticed bragging or complaining!!! Don't worry!! And don't let anyone else make you feel bad.