Uneventful Day

I'm recovering from the crazy (but good) Easter weekend (the coughing has gotten worse), so today has been really uneventful. As far as I'm concerned, those days are nice! I slept in really late, had lunch with Kara, then put her down for a nap. Now I'm trying to figure out how to get away with not making dinner. :-) Thank goodness I'm all caught up on chores!

I did work on these scrapbook pages. My sister's best friend loves his dogs like his own children, and his birthday is coming up, so my sister and her friend's wife have asked me to make some pages as a present for him. They gave me pictures, nicknames, and one song they sing. Here's what I came up with. (I used the "Dog Days" kit from Digital Scrapbook Experts, LLC.)


Elisabeth said…
of course I love the pages since they involve man's best friend! =)
Vicky said…
These are great pages, Jessica!
jessicaday said…
Thanks guys, it was fun. I'm getting the itch to get a dog again - don't worry, I'm sure it will pass!!! :-)
Anonymous said…
Cool! Great job! I wish I had more time for this stuff!
Elisabeth said…
if you do get a dog, chose a smaller breed this time!!
jessicaday said…
That's why I know it has to pass. Michael doesn't like small dogs. And I don't want to vacuum fur, so looks like the only dog we'll get any time soon is a stuffed one! :-)