
I had a great day, lots of fun things on the list to do, but many little things went wrong. For example, I am still fighting with the insurance company to get Michael's wisdom teeth removal paid for (which was back in Dec). That is frustrating in and of itself, but I planned 15 minutes for phone conversations and spent AN HOUR messing with it! Fortunately the only thing I was late for was shopping with my sister (not for fun stuff, for work stuff - I was going to help her pick out computer equipment), so I called her and rescheduled, but I felt myself get more frustrated by the minute. Every time I looked at the clock, I was more annoyed. I ended up snapping at Kara WAY more than she deserved. She was being so good, but when she got in my way I got SO upset! I thought about letting it slide, but I am teaching her that when she does something wrong, she has to say she's sorry. So, before we even left the house to meet with my sister, I sat her down and apologized to her for being mean and yelling. I told her I shouldn't have done that, I was wrong, and I was sorry. She asked why I yelled a few times - she seemed to be confused as to why my reaction was so angry. I explained it to her and asked if she forgave me. She instantly smiled, kissed my cheek and said, "Yes, mommy, I love you!" Oh, man did that turn out to be a lesson for me! I love how quickly she forgave! I need to forgive that quickly - I'm definitely one to hold onto grudges. Anyway, I hope she can see that even mommies have to play by the rules, and the rules are you need to ask for forgiveness when you're wrong. Good stuff in the middle of a mediocre day.


Elisabeth said…
We spend years teaching and trying to raise our kids the right way and we are constantly learning things from them!
jessicaday said…
You're right! I love it!
Vicky said…
And it doesn't stop when they leave home, either! I LOVE seeing my girls being the caring, loving, God-fearing women that you all are! God is soooo good!