Tuesday, Dec 22

Today was absolutely wonderful.

We started the day with horse lessons, and Kara not only trotted like a boss, but she cantered for the first time!  She did great!  Here are a zillion videos from this proud momma.

Well, my other videos are too big to upload.  Bummer.  I guess you'll just have to come visit us and watch her lessons to see her do her amazing things.  :-)

And here is a cute picture of the stables all decorated for Christmas:

After horse lessons, we stopped by the house since we are right there.  I am seriously loving the progress there these days.

Here are some of the ideas for the trim in
the main hallway.  Not sure this is the
way we are going, but it's an option.

Closer look

Kara's ceiling (this picture makes me dizzy)

Kara's ceiling

Kara's bathroom floor

Kara's bathroom floor

Kara's closet

Kara's closet

Guest bathroom

Guest bedroom closet

Prepping crown molding

Double doors in Guest bedroom

I think they are really pretty.

They are starting my fireplace.

Master bedroom

Master bedroom
Beams coming soon

Then we went to the bank, got gas for $1.70 a gallon, went to Chick Fil A for lunch, then met our friends at the park until it got dark at 4:30.

I came home to find Michael had a big, late lunch, so he doesn't want dinner.  Score!!

So, we will be laying low at home for the next several days, which is exactly what we want to do for Christmas.  Just be a family at home in our favorite state.

Once the storms pass (they're a little tornado-y), we may go play in our woods.  For now, I want to stay at the house where I can duck for cover if need be.
