Thursday, August 27th

Kara's cold seems pretty run of the mill, so I gave her some time to chill and play video games before we started school.  We did a little bit of makeup from yesterday and we are going to skip Science and Health this week.  Here she is writing her history summary on Roanoke:

She's reading from the book, "The Europeans didn't
understand the native americans, so they called
them savages?!"

I'm glad she thinks this isn't okay.  It's a great opportunity to
talk about what prejudice means and why pre-judging
someone is wrong.  We read how some Englishmen were
nice and some weren't.  We read how some native americans
were nice and some were not.
Either way, I wanted her to summarize this book on Roanoke and give her theory as to what happened.  I helped her with the three main points of the book and she had to write a topic sentence and details.  She did all the grammar herself too.  I'm really proud of what she came up with:

We did a bunch of math to get ready for the quiz tomorrow, and we finished the writing for the week. And of course we started with Bible.  I plan to do that math quiz with her tomorrow (hopefully there will be minimal tears) and do a quick history lesson on Virginia Dare and Sir Walter Raleigh (both related to Roanoke).

She did great!  This cold has kept her hungry, so she is eating way more than normal, which is good if you ask me - she doesn't eat enough!  As soon as my pink eye heals a bit, I plan to go to the store for more food and medicine tomorrow.  My goodness.  :-)

Now, stuck at home (which this homebody loves), I'm enjoying the time to make grocery lists and research the sales in my local stores so I have a shopping plan, looking at the town's library's online catalog for next week's history books on Jamestown, and making lists for our trip to Maryland next week.

Oh!  And I'm also thinking about how I want the back porch to look.  What do you think about this porch that has four recessed  lights, two fans, and a chandelier in the middle?

Our fans will be closer together, lining up with the posts between the three french doors.  I may not get such a large light in between...


Vicky said…
GREAT JOB, KARA! And I say, YES! on the porch! Beautiful! :-)