Our Weekend

We had a great weekend again.

Saturday we slept in.  No one was up before 10:00.  lol.  Michael spent the day in his office playing video games and Kara spent the day switching from computer to reading to programming.

I got myself ready then I got a jump on planning for history for this week.  I wanted some library books, but here the library closes early Saturday and is closed Sunday and Monday.  If I wanted some books for school on Monday, I needed to get them early.  After the library, I went to Walmart.  It truly isn't my happy place like Target is, but it's growing on me.  Then I swung by chick fil a across the street from Walmart and came home.  After I put the groceries away, I enjoyed my delicious lunch with some tv.

After that, I poured a second soda (oh, the decadence) and headed up to my desk to do my lesson plans for the week.  That includes reading the history books I got, making a few lessons to go along with it, making sure we are covering every subject equally (keeping the full year in perspective), doing the readings ahead of time, planning which math problems she needs to work on, and much more.  Needless to say, a week's worth of plans takes at least an hour.

Then we were able to play bridge online with our friends.  I've said it before and I'll say it again - I absolutely love this!  Leaving Steve and Maureen was going to be such a hard part of leaving Maryland, but since we still play every week and I hear their sweet voices and we joke and catch up, I'm not even sad to leave!

The bridge session was cut short when, SNAP, the power went out.  It had been thunder storming for hours, but I guess that was all the power could take and it was off.  Poor Kara is afraid of the dark (even more than I am) and she was crying, "Daddy!  Daddy!"  I ran to her with my cell phone flash light.  Then we set up candles (I was safe - we used the ones in glass jars and tea lights in ceramic dishes), got flashlights, extra batteries for the flashlights, and set Kara up for bed downstairs with us.  Not only was she scared in the dark by herself, it was cooler downstairs.  Thank goodness she was out of the shower!  That would be scary for ME if the power went out while I was in the shower!

All of that was a lot of work for me, so about an hour later when I got everything set up and Kara settled (she was WIRED from the adventure of it all), we settled down to read.  Fortunately we are easily entertained!  The book I'm reading is the Francine Rivers book about Aaron in the Bible - I believe it's called The Priest.  We had been reading for about an hour when the book was talking about how the Israelites were so unappreciative and complained all the time.  They had so much (food, water, safety, etc) but still complained.  I thought, Lord, I never thank you for the electricity or for refrigerators or air conditioners.  I'm sorry I take these things for granted and I thank you so much for them.  POOF!  The power came back on.  Being so immersed in my book, then praying and having the power come back on had me in a place where I was praising God and felt like it was another miracle like God did for the Israelites.  Whether it was a miracle or whether God saw fit to remind me of the things I take for granted, I am grateful.  And the air conditioner and fridge hummed with all their amazing goodness and it was good.  :-)  Kara was having a blast on the couch and asked to camp out down there even though the power was back on.  Sure!

Sunday we woke up early to be at church by 9am so Michael and I could go to a new Sunday School class.  Well, I guess it's called small group.  Or life group.  Whatever - it's all the same.  We are going to do a study on Colossians.  Kara headed off to her class at the 9am service, and when it was time for us to move to church at 10:30, she stayed in her class for the 10:30 service.  Unfortunately it was the same lesson, but Kara didn't seem to mind.  I hope she is behaving herself!  Our sermon was another good one.

Hanging on the wall in the children's section of
church.  This was a memory verse of Kara's in AWANAS.

Then we went to our favorite mexican restaurant for lunch.  I got something new and it was gross.  I should stick with my favorite meal there.  lol.

Then we came home and I FINALLY washed my car.  While the whole thing was dirty, the bugs on the front were ridiculous!


There are water spots on the windows, but I don't care because my car looks 10 times better.  When I wash my car, I make it a team effort with Kara.  She has a pretty easy life and I need to make sure she works or I'm not fully preparing her for real life.  So, at her age she is in charge of the wetting/rinsing, and I am in charge of the scrubbing.  She is also my "missed a spot" inspector.  :-)  Half the time she complains and drives me crazy, the other half the time we have a blast and both end up soaked.  This was the a fun one.  She talked my ear off the whole time and we had a ball.

After the car was clean and floor mats were hosed off (don't you love rubber mats?!), it was time to get her used to cleaning her bathroom.  She cleaned her sink (I couldn't believe the great job she did - it was like watching an adult clean! - her maturity catches me off guard sometimes), then I taught her how to clean the toilet by letting her watch.  Next time we'll do it together.  (I'll do her shower for her later.  Baby steps.)

Whew!  All pretty and I even had my hair down for church, then I ended up soaked and sweaty.  I cleaned my own bathroom and decided to soak in the tub.  Uh.  These "full sized" hips aren't so cozy in that standard sized tub.  Note to self:  Make sure next house has a tub that is "full sized."  But, it has a shower attachment that I totally love.  I definitely want one of those in the next house.

I watched a tv show or two, then made some dinner from the freezer and did some Bible study.  Then it was time to check in with Aaron and Moses in my book and head to bed.

Monday we woke up with no alarms.  Michael works from home and Kara does school from home, so we're allowed to let our bodies tell us when to wake up.  Marvelous.  Kara and I did school, then I headed out to the store AGAIN.  This time it was Publix and Aldi.  I wanted to get my mom's favorite tea for when she is here and Publix was the last store I could check, but they didn't have any.  Bummer!  They did have this though:

Then I went to Aldi to stock up on all the super cheap meats and veggies before the new sales come out on Wednesday.  While at Aldi, I saw some donuts I decided to bring over to the guys putting the roof on the new house.  I also bought a watermelon to cut up and bring them tomorrow.  There's the southern woman in me - I LOVE to feed people.

Then Kara and I went to the pool.  I love that you can see the lake from here too.  Kara is so young, she will probably always take that view for granted, but it's going to be a long, long time before I do.

I may have saved some watermelon for us.
Those guys can't eat the whole thing!
Now I'm getting ready to make dinner.  I am going to use up that cubed steak for chicken fried steak.  (I'm making chicken for myself though - I'm thinking that's chicken fried chicken, right?  lol)  We have mashed potatoes to use up, so all I have to do is the meat and the gravy!

On the menu this week:
Monday - chicken fried steak with leftover garlic mashed potatoes
Tuesday - mushroom swiss hamburgers with homemade oven french fries
Wednesday - chicken broccoli crescent wrap
Thursday - stuffed shells/lasagna
Friday - steak
Saturday - frozen tilapia
Sunday - Michael leaves in the morning for a business trip and my mom comes in the evening!!!

My goodness!  I'm not used to cooking so much!  lol.  These are all Michael approved, so I hope he loves it.  <3


Vicky said…
LOVE the Bible verse wall hanging! :D