Ready - but not done

Today is the day that the kitchen is ready to use!!!!  Handles are on the drawers, all appliances are connected and working, and it's time to bring stuff up from their boxes in the basement.  (Not done though - walls still need touching up with paint, molding around the fridge wall isn't even in yet, light switches need plates, and some outlets aren't working yet.  Not to mention the bathroom isn't done, or the mudroom, or the basement.)

There's the view you're used to

Looooove those counters

Here's the mudroom.  Still a lot of work to do in here - one of the cabinets was sent damaged, so it'll be a week or two before the replacement comes.  THEN we can do the counter, THEN we can do drawer pulls.  Like I said, still a ways to go in there.

Here's the picture from yesterday - the powder room wasn't touched.  Nothing is connected or set up - still need faucet, toilet, light, art, etc.

Basement ceiling doesn't have holes, but they need sanded and eventually painting.  That's the floor that will still have dust.  I think we're done with dust on the first floor and I can start cleaning up.

Still have a lot to buy - first on the list is pads for the furniture bottoms so they won't scratch the floor, as well as a pad for the rug so it won't scratch the floor either.

This weekend I will be pretending I'm not sick and FINALLY setting up my kitchen.  Ahhhhhhhh.
