Today FINALLY arrived.  It was like the night before Christmas - I woke up several times in the middle of the night because I knew that when it was time to wake up, it would be cabinet time!  You have to understand, there has been NOTHING in my kitchen for about 2 months now and this is the first BIG thing to arrive.  That, and nothing else (appliances, counters, floors, sink) can happen until these got here.  Over the next 3 weeks, it's all going to be coming together!  EEEeeeeeeeee!

So, who's ready for some pictures?  The sweet guys had the truck unloaded in no time - maybe 15 minutes.  I came downstairs to find:

 My living room was full

 So was my kitchen

 Oh look, there's some in my family room

 And my garage

 And more

 And more

Then my contractor looked around and sighed.  I said, "I don't envy the huge puzzle you have to put together!"
He got everything out of the cardboard and put into place in no time.  Well, maybe it was hours, I'm not sure.  ;-)

It's starting to look like a kitchen.....

Ah yes, I see it!  It's the vision I've had for years and the designer and I perfected over tons of emails

Want a close up sneak peek?
 Ah, shaker style, extra large and thick molding (yes, that is 3 inches, I'm sure you were just about to ask).  They are gorgeous.  I will have very lovely drawer pulls soon, but not just yet.  Even without those, I can enjoy the full extension, soft close, loveliness.  :-)

 Here's where my double ovens are going.  I'll tell you a secret.  I hugged and kissed this cabinet.  I am so happy it's finally here.  It is well loved!

Just a few more pictures:

Meanwhile, Kara was being an absolute angel upstairs playing with Mamaw!  Nope, she didn't come to visit, she skyped.  They did a beautiful picture of a sunrise.  They both bonded over their crafty gene they share.  :-)

After that, I saved some cardboard and Kara made a whole town out of legos, cardboard and markers.  (Her town has a beach AND a Target.  I like that town.)

Isn't she cute driving her little car on the marker drawn street?  We were tired from getting up early and I was really hands on with the kitchen stuff today (lots of: hold this, can you check that, what sink do you want, what counter do you want, can you look this up, what do you think), so we skipped school today.  It was going to be a super easy day, so we're going to do it tomorrow and what we were going to do Friday will be done Saturday.  Have I mentioned how good Kara was?

**  Side note.  I have not gone off the deep end living in nasty materialistic selfish land.  I am enjoying our renovation, which needed to be done, and I'm happy with my decisions.  I still am focused on the right thing, which is my sweet Savior.  He is the one that made everything good in my life happen and He is the one I am dedicating my kitchen to.  I pray I can bring Him glory with all the people I reach cooking and baking in my new kitchen.  Just felt I needed reassuring to those out there who don't know me well enough and are nervous I need an intervention.  ;-)
