First Day of November

Let's start with the kitchen.  Today was mud and tape day.  James also put those metal things on the corners of the wall.  (Aren't you glad I'm not in charge of this project?)  He also took down the wall paper border.

Look how pretty my ceiling is!!  I think it's looking like a real room again.  :-D

Let's let the grandparents take a look at our home school day.  I know they really enjoy it - and I like looking back at them later.  :-)

Welcome back to our home school room

Here she is working on a math worksheet.  She has an uncanny ability to count and add money.  These lessons we just gloss over because they're so easy for her.  It's great because we use money to help explain fractions.

This the the sign Kara made me a few months ago that I look at every day while I teach.

This is another quote I love that is on my desk.  Being a perfectionist is debilitating at times, and this is such a great reminder.  As a home school mom/teacher, an authentic desire to do His will and give Him glory is way more important that being perfect at it.

Here's our little art project for our Moses study.  Kara did a rod and a snake.  I'm sure you know the story....

This is how she answers the questions for the boring subjects.  :-)

Math has always been done on the floor.  It's one of the last subjects of the day.  And now it's tradition - you don't monkey with tradition.  "Mommy, look at this...."

"...I put :00 at the end of the answers!  I'm so funny!"  She laughed for a really long time about this.  I think I don't get it.  But I do think she's a goofball.

That's the face she makes when she's doing her silly voice.  By the way, 3 math worksheets in, her head is now laying on the floor.  :-)

Last subject of the day was Geography.  She learned a lot, and I learned that drawing states is very hard.  lol!

Here's the worksheet she did - complete with coloring in the US and putting a dot where we live.

The art project was to draw a compass rose.  (That's what they're called, right?)

Markers and drawing?  Yep, this is her happy place.
