What's up with the stroller?

Have you been looking at my home school pictures lately wondering why Kara (a first grader) is sitting in a stroller while learning?

You see, I took the umbrella stroller out of my trunk and put it in the garage when I took someone to the airport the other day.  She hasn't been in an umbrella stroller since she was at least 3 - it's long since been donated.  BUT, she was VIOLENTLY ill last New Year's during our trip to Florida.  It's not easy carrying your 50 pound vomiting baby all through the airport by yourself with your 20 pound carry on and her 10 pound carry on and your 10 pound purse.  (Yes, I overpack.  I must be prepared for anything!)  I was sweating buckets, and not just because we were in balmy Florida!  So, since Kara wasn't well just about the whole trip, we bought an umbrella stroller to push her through the airport on the way home - she was just too weak to walk.

That's the long story about how we even have a stroller in the first place.

When Kara saw it in the garage, she asked if she could play with it.  Since they're like $10, I said, "sure!"  If she does something to break it, I'm not out much money.

So, since Kara does not like babies, she personifies other things.  Let's meet the family.

 Stroller - the glue that holds this wheeled family together

 Stroller has a big brother - his name is Computer Chair

 They have a little sister (Jessica gave Kara this little pink and purple cart for Christmas years ago with a tea set on it.  The set has been donated, but the cart remains!)

Here is their little brother - he has no name
Here's the whole family!

And there you have it!  I love having a kid who doesn't want expensive toys - she'd rather play with household items and crafting goodies.  Let that imagination soar!!!


Elisabeth said…
I've never seen an umbrella stroller for $10. And I've been looking for one so we can do away with the big carseat/stroller combo next summer.
jessicaday said…
Target was having a sale. :-)
Elisabeth said…
We would def use it but you might not want to get rid of part of the family! :)