First Day of School

The first day of school was a huge success.  Kara slept at my parents' house the night before, as she does every Sunday.  Not only do Michael and I play cards Sunday nights (and children are a distraction, and bridge needs concentration), but I count the tithe at church Monday mornings.  She does not like to get up early (which she gets from both Michael and me), and would be totally bored anyway.  Or want to help.  :-)  So, to Grandma's house she goes.

I called them at 9:30 to say I was done, and it turns out Kara got dressed quickly and had her shoes on and waiting by the door really early - she couldn't wait to get started.  Yay!!  I feel the same way, sweetie.

I've spent months preparing and am finally ready.  So, here goes.

The room is ready and waiting for my pupil!

Traditional first day of school pictures.  I'll post at the end the ones from previous years.  :-)  My sweet six year old is so big and looking lovely with her two front teeth missing.  :-)  Man, oh man, I heart her.

Here she is working on cursive.  As I predicted, it was her least favorite subject.  She did great though.  When it comes to school things, she generally catches on pretty quickly, so when cursive didn't come speedily easily to her, she got a bit frustrated.  I just reminded her that I wasn't asking her to do it perfectly, all I was asking for was her best.  She felt better.

I got hugs, and she told me, "mommy, I love your class.  I love when you're the teacher."  Ahhhhh.  Bliss.

The first day was pretty short - we only did about half of the subjects because that's what my lesson plans suggest.  Again, I'm using the Abeka curriculum (hey, I finally learned how to spell that word without using spell check!), and the lesson plans are all laid out for me - to the day - to the minute.

Things I learned so far:
  * Kara has a pretty decent attention span for a six year old.
  * Kara loves to learn.
  * Having both Grandmas (and Grandpas) support means the world to me.
  * Chalk dust makes me sneeze.

Here are the first day of school pics from the past.  Enjoy!

First day of pre-K September 2010

First day of Kindergarten - August 2011

First day of First Grade - August 2012


Kattrina said…
I can't believe they teach cursive in the first grade! I don't think I learned that until 3rd or 4th. I don't think I could even print very well in the first grade. I actually hated cursive and never use it now - I print everything!
jessicaday said…
I'm a "printer" too, Kattrina! The curriculum I'm using teaches cursive from the get go - no print. I'm not sure if I agree with that, but Kara is super excited to learn cursive and I'm thinking it'll be a good challenge for her. And sticking with something she may not love will be a good lesson too. :-)
I can't wait to see more baby bump pictures! I hope you're feeling well these days!
Elisabeth said…
Hannah's class just barely touched on cursive last year!
Vicky said…
Loved the progressive yearly pictures! She is getting so big!
Vicky said…
I'm working on a scrapbook page right now using this year's first day pictures. I'll send it to you as soon as I get it finished.