Great day

Another great day in school.  What a difference when we start first thing in the morning!

Bible, Phonics, Reading, Seatwork, Spelling, Poetry, lunch break.

After lunch we started up with Writing.  Today we learned cursive b.  Boy that's a weird looking letter.


After Writing is Math.  Yesterday's math wasn't so fun because it was all lecture and no hands on, colorful fun.  So, today I brought the dominoes back out.  Not to mention, I had to teach her this information:

Please excuse my filthy board - I have been cleaning it every 5th day (at the end of the week), but I'm thinking it needs to be every 4th day.  Where's my janitor??

I tried colorful chalk - blue for twins and orange for doubles, but even I was still bored.  So, the colorful dominoes came back out.

Let's do Addition Families, shall we?  This was on the fly, just like the last one, so it wasn't very sophisticated.  Of course, she didn't get very much out of my chalkboard (in fact, I'm not sure she even looked at it more than once or twice!), but this hands on exercise did it.

Can you see I had to make a 7, 0 domino?

After math, we did more reading, more math, then it was activity time.  So, thanks to an idea on pinterest, we spread peanut butter on a toilet paper roll and rolled it in bird seed to make a bird feeder.  It took 3 minutes, which is perfect for the end of a home school day.

 Yes, it's the end of the day and she's still in pjs.  Yes, she's in winter pjs - I've been hot and set the A/C too coooooooold.  :-)

 Our masterpiece

I got working on some chores after that.  Michael was at a meeting for work, and Kara was making a book (about a 3 headed nice monster named Ponch - he loves books and her story is a tale of his trip to the bookstore).  I loathe cleaning bathrooms, so I made a deal with myself.  I just had to do sinks and toilets.  So, while I was working, Kara found me and wanted to help because she "loves to clean."  After a full day of home school, is it possible that's what I'm most proud of today???  :-)  She cleaned my bathtub, bless her, while I did sinks and toilets, which turned into doing floors too.

Then we coupon shopped at Staples - where she got markers for helping me clean and I got extra shelves for home school organization. 

Then I made dinner, we went to my parents' house so Kara could show them her book, and we came home.

The more I thought about it, the more I decided I need some more dominoes.  I had to make a 7, 0 one today, and we're only up to the 7 family.  I know we're going up to the 18 family, so I need to see if they have teacher dominoes that go up higher.  I pulled up and searched, only to find all these sets of Mexican dominoes.  Light bulb!  (Have you seen Despicable Me?  He says that.  You gotta see that movie - it's so great.  But, I digress.)  I pulled out my Mexican dominoes set from the basement (that was given to me free - I think by my mom) and get to organizing them to make sure it's a full set.  Wouldn't you know it?  It is!!  And they go up to 12!!!  So much better than 6. 

I'll think of something to get us from 12 to 18......

Now it's bed time and tomorrow is Sunday, the Lord's day.  I can't wait for church.  They say a church is to Christians as a hospital is to sick people.  So, so true.  I am sick in that I am a sinner.  Looking forward to soaking it all in and worshiping my sweet Lord.


Vicky said…
So, I asked myself as I read about the dominoes....."What in the world are Mexican dominoes?" Knowing I had a HUGE set of glass dominoes, I got them out. Lo and Behold! Laying right on top were the instructions featuring.....Cardinal Mexican Train. LOL! Anyway, guess how many spots I have? 15! We NEVER play with these other than to stand them on end close to each other to make a trail of dominoes that when you push the end one over it proceeds to knock all of the others over...if you can picture what I'm talking about. Anyway, they are yours if you want them! The only thing is, if you can wait til we see you again, I will give them to you. They weigh a TON and would cost a fortune to mail, I am sure! You could probably go and buy a 20 spot set for what it would cost to mail them! I'm pretty sure there are more spots than 15. Just let me know!

I'm getting ready to scan and send you the 3 pages for the lighthouse craft, too.
jessicaday said…
Thank you, I would LOVE those dominoes! I'm pretty sure it'll take us a while to get past the 12 families, but if not, we'll have to arrange a visit! I was thinking about coming out with Kara sometime in October anyway, like for a birthday present - just for a couple of days in the middle of the week. We can talk about that when it gets closer.

Thank you for the lighthouse stuff. Thurdsay we're unavailable this week, but we can do any other day you'd like!