Monday, 8/27

Sunday was pretty uneventful.  Kara's fishies died, so I dumped them with the water down the toilet and saved all the pretty rocks and fake coral.  I cleaned every piece by hand, cleaned the tank, and all it's pieces.  Then I put the rocks back inside with coral and printed some fake fish.  Then I glued them to the roof of the tank with fishing line!  Just when I steeled myself for Kara thinking it was stupid and my HOURS of work were pointless, she thinks it's AWESOME!!!  She made her own tanks with tape and hand drawn fish.  :-)  Isn't she cute?

Our new non-perishable aquarium

Today, Monday, was pretty normal.  I got up super early to count the tithe at church.  I was done around 9:30 and brought Kara home by 10.

It was a good day of school.  Kara's first oral reading test was today - she got an A+ - and her prep test for tomorrow's math test was another A+.  I'm so proud of her.

No dominoes today, but here's an idea I got from pinterest - addition and subtraction sentences on the ends of popsicle sticks and she has to put them in the right cup.

Remember how I said Kara had to write letters 10 times that she wrote backwards?  Well, she had to write "p" 30 times (20 shown below) and "b" 20 times.  You see, writing them 10 times is what gets them out of jail.

And they were in the jail house!

Stouffers lasagna for dinner, then we went on a family bike ride.  Our little girl can really zoom on that scooter!  But she wants to bring her bike next time.  :-)  Now, thanks to that Maryland August humidity and heat, I need to hop in the shower and get to bed early.  I have to teach tomorrow!


Vicky said…
Hannah has always had problems with "b" and "d" so I guess it is a pretty normal thing. LOVE the popsicle stick idea! Pinterest.....what did we do without it?! :D
jessicaday said…
I tell you! Pinterest has helped me with home school BIG time! lol. :-)
Yep, "b" "d" "p" "9" "5" "3" "2". All problems letters/numbers. Her brain is working too fast to stop and take her time writing. I hope to break those habits this year!