
Every mom has their things they're strict about.  Everyone knows I am not strict about what Kara eats.  She must eat healthy, but she does not have to eat what we're eating.  (Often pb&j is healthier than the fried chicken we're eating anyway!)  Anyway, this post isn't about that.  I feel very strongly about attitude/respect, and cleaning up after yourself.  (Of course, there are more, but that's not what this post is about.)  :-)

So, I have started making Kara clean up after herself on a more regular basis than she used to.  To the point that I will go in after she announces it's "clean" and pick up and take all the junk she left laying around.  She is very clear on what "clean" is supposed to be and knows those things are up for grabs.  I saw an idea on pinterest that the kids had to do a chore to get the things back, so we did that and it worked great.  (I added that if she didn't do a chore within a week of the things being taken, she obviously didn't need it and it would be donated.)

Change subjects for a minute to how Kara plays - she would rather have paper, markers, scissors, tape, and yarn than ANYTHING else.  I love how imaginative her play is and how CHEAP her toys are.  :-)  (She also is the type of kid who would never think to cut anything other than paper or yarn, so I could always trust her with scissors.)  But, all that cut up paper and yarn leaves scraps everywhere.  When I vacuum her room twice a week and it's still not often enough, it's time to get her involved.

So, here we are.  Today she learned to vacuum and I couldn't be more proud.  And, she's still little so she thought it was awesome.  :-)

Dad, this one's for you - I think you're the one who taught me to vacuum.  And I still love doing it to this day.  ;-)
