Coupons - one year later

Last year at this time, Kara was getting ready for full time kindergarten.  I was sad - I was really going to miss her.  And I was losing my full time job.  (Don't get me wrong, motherhood will always be a full time job, but you know what I mean.  She wouldn't be home with me all day, every day.)  So, I prayed about going back to work and nothing sounded good.  And nothing would be worth my time - me working would mean Michael would have to help a lot more around the house.  He may have to cut back in his hours, which doesn't make sense since he would make a lot more money than me.  So we decided together that I'd continue working in the house and supporting him while he continued to rake in the dough.  Then I looked into hobbies - the Lord led me to that extreme couponing show on TLC and thought I could combine a little hobby with a little job and keep myself busy all at the same time.  I'm a big math nerd and have a husband who loves to save money, so I looked into learning the tricks and tips.  Over the last year I have been able to earn a bit of money being a personal shopper (about $120), and I've turned my giant stockpile into a ministry - donating to random families in need, and friends in need.  AND it's been fun.  I really believe that is what God wanted me doing last year.

Now that Kara is starting home school, I thought I'd reflect back over the last year.  I tracked all my numbers and they look like this.
I took the total I spend on:
  * Target (groceries and more)
  * Groceries
  * Restaurants
  * Michael's lunches at work
and came up with a number.  Then I averaged that number over a year (Aug 2010 - Aug 2011).  It was a pretty big number.

Then I took the totals of the same charges (Target, groceries, restaurants, lunches) over the last year (with coupons) (Aug 2011 - Aug 2012), and I'm happy to say I've saved $4,892.34.  That's so exciting because I've sold/given away a TON and I still have a huge stockpile in my basement - complete with just about all of my Christmas presents for this year.

So, I've enjoyed my "job" and enjoyed serving others.  I do plan to continue this year while home schooling, but I won't be doing it in quite as large of a scale.

Thank you God for giving me such a wonderful life!  I am so blessed to not have to work full time anymore and instead be able to serve Him in other ways!
