Starting Early

The beauty of home school is being able to make your own schedule and be flexible.  So, I think we should start on Monday.  I know it seems a little early to some (public schools here in MD don't start until the 27th), and late to others (my friend's kids in TX started the 1st), but it's just right for us!  Our summer plans are winding down and we're ready.  I've spent a lot of time getting our room ready, prayerfully choosing a curriculum, and getting projects ready.  I am completely ready, and I think Kara is too.  (She's starting to slip in her reading and math.  I don't want her to lose any of what she learned last year.)

While in the home school room yesterday when I was finishing up preparing for the first three weeks, Kara wanted to be with me and was playing with her babies on the floor.  She said to me, "Mommy, I love the home school room.  I love it in here."  I said, "me too, sweetie.  Me too."  :-)

Our curriculum is 170 days long, which allows for 10 field trips, or 180 days total.  Whether we finish early, take Thanksgiving through New Years off, or what, we should be good to go.

Pray for us - I think this is going to be the most exciting year ever.  I can't believe God has called me, yet again, to do something I swore I'd never do.  But I'm always glad I did and so, so blessed for it.  Thank you sweet Savior for doing what's best for me - this is going to be amazing!
