Me, Myself, and I

While Kara is at her Grandma and Grandpa Day's house, I was left to do whatever I wanted today! All I had to think about was me, myself, and I. I thought I'd get up as soon as I woke up and start working on chores. So, I swept, vacuumed two floors, stripped beds, flipped our mattress, etc. After all that work and a lot of sweat, I took a shower and started on some lunch. By then Michael came home! Surprise! It was the end of his pay period and he was ahead on hours, so we got to have lunch together. I love it when that happens. :-)

After lunch I got to spend the afternoon shopping with my mom, just for fun! Usually I have a list and one of the things on that list is milk. It sure was nice to just go to a clothing store and buy whatever struck my fancy! For the last year or so I've been saving for my new kitchen, so I don't shop like I used to. It was really fun! Not to mention shopping without having to entertain Kara was really nice.

Then I came home to Michael taking me out to dinner and then we rented a movie, "Angels and Demons" starring Tom Hanks. It was good - just as good as "The DaVinci Code".

Now I'm watching HGTV and waiting to see pictures of my girl on Vicky's blog.


Vicky said…
Sounds like you had a great day! The time is slipping by very quickly! :(
jessicaday said…
I think 4 nights, 5 days was the perfect amount of time for her first time. But maybe we'll just have to do it again sometime soon! :-)
Jessica said…
SOunds like lots of fun! What kind of clothes did you find?
jessicaday said…
I found two pairs of shorts, about 4 shirts, a pair of heels, and two necklaces. Very fun!