Busy, Busy, Busy

I took Kara to swim lessons this morning, then I came home for a few hours before I was off with Christina. We spent lots of time and money in Staples and Best Buy setting up her home office. (She'll be working from home and doesn't have anything, so we started from scratch!) We still have hours and hours of work to do, even though we were at it from 2:45 to 9:00! We'll start bright and early tomorrow at 9, and work until 2.
Michael took Kara out to McDonalds (he said she could pick anywhere and that's what she picked), then he took her out to the pet store to look at animals, then out to ice cream. They had a good day! He's such a good dad. She was in bed ready to go to sleep when I came home. Good, good man.
I miss my husband! Tomorrow I'll come home and actually cook - I'll have to see if I remember how. :-) Saturday is the last big moving day, and then we move onto cleaning the old place. By the time Kara goes to Michael's parents' house, we should be done. I know what I'll be doing while Kara is gone and I'm home alone - resting! Oh, I've been letting my chores slide lately, maybe I'll clean too.


Vicky said…
How cool that Christina will be able to work from home!
Elisabeth said…
daddys always get to have all the fun; mcdonalds, pet store and ice cream!! =)