
As you all know, I have been working my little fingers to the bone for my sweet sister and her big move. (All the while helping her deal with finally leaving her abusive job and get ready for the new one - lots of stress!) I probably wouldn't have had to do so much if her poor body wasn't so messed up. My body is healthy, so that's the one we used! :-) Just about every single day for the last two weeks I have been helping her pack, unpack, move, shop, put furniture together, set up her office, etc. Well, I think today I did my last task! I am so happy to have a supportive husband and mom and dad who have helped me entertain Kara so I could work. I'm so happy I have a healthy, young body that is so able to work hard. And I'm happy I have a daughter who is a little angel and hasn't done one thing wrong during this whole process. God has blessed me abundantly! But, my tired, sore body is telling me it's time to stop and rest. So, fortunately, I am done and will be spending as much time as possible over the next several days in bed! (I'll be posting all the scrapbooking pages I work on.) :-) I also need to think of something special to do for Michael for being so cool about all of this. I already got him a small present for our anniversary (remember we celebrate our anniversary of our first date, March 23rd, instead of our wedding anniversary, Nov 16th, since it's so close to Thanksgiving and Christmas), but I want to do something else too. Not sure what........I know fishing season is coming up and he's about to cash in all the points he's earned over the winter break. Not to mention he's getting a new boat soon. :-)


Elisabeth said…
I think the new boat is plenty enough for the anni!! Brad and my dating anni is coming up, April 14 (the day before his b=day). I'll have to mention celebrating that instead of our wedding anni (dec 5) b/c we never get to do anything then. It's a good idea. Glad your sister will be getting settled in and you can all rest!
Vicky said…
WOOHOO! Glad you are done, as I KNOW you are! Have a restful weekend!