Last Day

Today is the last day before Kara comes home. Yes, my days have been very relaxing and felt like vacation. Yes, I haven't had to cook a single meal. Yes, my house is absolutely spotless. But I'd trade it all for a little girl in the house! :-) It was nice for all of us for Kara to be on vacation, but I'm glad we'll get back to real life tomorrow. Check out Vicky's blog to see all the fun things Kara's been up to. She's done an awesome job posting pictures and lots of journaling listing what they've been doing - a dream come true for the mommy left behind! :-)


Vicky said…
Kara is getting some reading time in with her "pappy" right now! I've got everything packed that I can pack except for the clothes she has on from church and the pj's she will take off in the morning! Tonight she said, Why can't I stay longer? She is soooo silly! She didn't get to finish her nap before church and she woke up whiney, but perked up by church time! She and Sarah sat together tonight and were a couple of angels! Kara ate almost a whole grilled cheese sandwich for dinner after church and drank 2 drink boxes! Now they are finished reading so I'm gonna get her in the tub quickly. See you soon!
jessicaday said…
Sounds great! See you tomorrow!