Bye Bye Kara

I dropped Kara off with Tim and Vicky today. We've been planning this trip for about a month now and Kara couldn't have been more excited. EVERY DAY when she woke up, and several times throughout the day when we weren't even talking about it, she would say, "Guess what, mommy? Only 3 more days until I get a vacation with Mamaw and Papaw!" :-) The last few days she would say, "Do you wanna keep talking about Mamaw with me?" And last night she wanted me to tell her about the first time she ever went to their house. Then the second time. :-) She kept talking about Vicky's laugh, which I absolutely love too, and how she wanted to make her laugh so she could hear it.

So, today was the day! We both were up early from excitement, so we got ready and headed right out. Both of our excitement was diminished quickly when we sat in traffic on 295.......and 95. But Kara was happy with very little entertainment, so that made for a quick 3 hour trip. We were at Ruby Tuesdays a little early and enjoyed a lovely lunch.

Then I had to say good-bye. I love Tim and Vicky so much and trust them 100 percent, but for some reason it was hard to drive away from her and have her drive the opposite way. That wasn't so fun for me. It was a long, quiet 3 hour drive home by myself. Once I got home and had dinner with my honey, and heard Kara was there safely and busy playing, I felt much, much better.

I know it'll be great and I'm going to have a blast relaxing. Vicky asked me what I'm going to do this weekend and I said, "Whatever I want!" :-) Starting with tomorrow, I'm sleeping in every day, going to eat every meal while it's still hot, and watch Food Network and HGTV to my heart's content. I probably won't go crazy and exercise, but I will be changing sheets, going through summer clothes, vacuuming the whole house (which takes like and hour!) etc. I also feel like the whole house - every room, bathroom, and closet needs some organization. I'm sure Monday will be here before I know it!


Vicky said…
That's so sweet! I thought about you going in the opposite direction without your little cutie and said a quick prayer for you! I remember the first time Tim and I left all the kids behind at mom's (except I was 5 months prego with Nat) and headed clear across the WORLD to Israel! WOW! That was hard! I called them from the airport!
jessicaday said…
Thank you, I felt the prayer. :-) And you have been so sweet to me and my several phone calls already and detailed emails. You're so nice! Thanks for remembering what it's like and cutting me some slack.
I'm doing much better today!
Jessica said…
Oh but how much fun we had at grandma's! We would have stayed there for weeks on end if we could! It is so hard on mother's but so fun for kids...interesting! Michael's been so used to going back and forth between Jeremy and I that it has made trips to Aunt Liz's and grandma's much easier. Wonder what it will be like with my new little one? Terry and I won't get the weekly 'break' when Michael goes to his dad's house and that will be different because for 5 years we have had one day a week at least to ourselves. Cant wait really!