Another scrapbook challenge

I got another scrapbook challenge from Vicky and this one was much harder! I had to put the design onto this weird looking shape, print it out, take a picture of the box it made, then put all of that onto yet another scrapbook page. I spent HOURS on it and don't really like it at all. I thought it would be a good idea to make personalized party favors for my sister's bridal shower, but the kit should be used with something else - it's too blah. And the final page was thrown together while I was watching tv. I think I'll start all over tomorrow.
About my day: Bible study with my buddies (studying the Tabernacle with Beth Moore), tons of phone calls during lunch with Kara (including one to set up our cruise in July for my 30th birthday - yay!), scrapped on this piece of junk all afternoon, then I had dinner and a play date with my best friend from jr. high and high school. We stayed friends all through college and then some and we have kids the same age. (Her Aiden is only three months younger than Kara.) It was a great visit and I just love having people in my life who know me so well and love me for who I am. What a blessed girl I am!


Vicky said…
I am loving that you are interested in digital scrapbooking! I personally like the way your box turned out! I think a little glitter and/or bling would be great on it!
jessicaday said…
Thanks, Mom, that means a lot coming from you. :-) And, yes, I am SO interested, but I need the direction of a "challenge" because it tells me what to use and what the theme should be. I can't stare at papers and elements and see much yet. I'm sure I'll get there eventually! :-)