Shut Up

We're studying how powerful the tongue is in our Bible study this week.  We keep coming back to this, over and over again.  Not only because I need it and God is trying to beat me over the head because I just WON'T stop disobeying in this area, but because what we say (and what our typing fingers do) matter so much.

I am not a pathelogical liar.  So, that's good.  I don't swear like a sailor, so that's good too.  But there's plenty I do.

Did you know a slight exaggeration is a lie?  We used to think Michael was a weirdo for saying things like "it took 7 minutes" or "it was 2 hours and 5 minutes long."  I thought it was the engineer in him, but now I know it's the non-liar in him!  Those are simple examples, but I don't think I've ever heard Michael exaggerate.  Whoa.  That is something I definitely have to work on.

Gossip.  *sigh*  Is it a girl thing, or just me?  I have been working and working to get away from gossip.  I've come a long way in just the last few years, but I have SO far to go.  It seems to find me and tempt me all.  the.  time.  I try and try to say, "I don't want to hear it!"  But, sometimes I do want to hear it.  And sometimes I want to share it.  And sometimes I want to spend an hour talking about it so I can judge them to be worse than me.  Mercy.  It's awful.

Lord, please make me realize the power my tongue has and remind me of this important fact:

