Just Right

Typical Valentine's day romance stuff includes flowers, jewelry, chocolates, etc.  But, I have to say, that just isn't my husband.  He's not a classical romance kind of guy.  (He SURE was when we were dating, but he isn't that way anymore.)  But, he is a wonderful man who loves me very much.  I don't doubt that at all.  You see, his love language isn't gifts or words of affirmation, which are two biggies for Valentine's day.  My Michael's primary love language is quality time, and his secondary is acts of service.  THESE are what come natural to him.  So, while he's constantly, year round, full of quality time (in creative ways), acts of service pop up here and there too.

This year, I didn't want jewelry or chocolate or flowers for Valentine's day.  Those are things I usually buy myself, and that's not really the definition of romance coming from Michael.  It's not him.  So, this year, I asked him to do a chore I've been dreading for months, yet loathing every day.  Remember back in September when I worked for two weeks on making the garage lovely and I created space for the old fridge to fit in there?  Well, during the renovation, the contractor's tools were in the way of the space I was going to put the fridge, and he put the fridge where the trash cans went.  Which meant the trash cans went on the other side of the garage.  Who cares, right?  Well, I empty our recycling into the big bin in the garage daily.  So, instead of popping my head out the door and emptying the bin in 2 seconds, I have to walk all the way around my car, on the cold, dirty garage floor, empty the bin, then walk all the way back around my car, and go inside, after cleaning my feet on the rug - all the while dodging the puddles from melted snow that fell off my car.  For FOUR months.  It's been driving me crazy every day.  But, I ran out of steam after the renovation was finished and I just couldn't stand the thought of doing ANY MORE WORK.  It's a mental block, I know, but I just couldn't do it.

So, my sweet husband remembered I mentioned it one day, rearranged the garage for me, and my every day life is so simple now.  I can't tell you how much it means to me.  AND, every time I empty the recycling, I put it in the bin my sweetheart moved for me, just to make me happy.  Now THAT'S a gift that is so Michael.  :-)
