
Here are some of the funny things Kara's said over the last couple of days.

Kara: Mommy, are you sure there's no medicine I can take?
Me: I don't think so. But let me ask Grandma just in case.
Kara: Good idea. She's an artist of pain - she can fix anything.

Michael: Ew, rice is yucky, it tastes like rice.
Kara: That's because it IS rice.
(Too literal to get daddy's silly jokes.) :-)

Me:  How is the rice in your tummy?
Kara:  My tummy feels like it's medicine!
Me:  That's great!  That means it's good for you.  Let's have some more.
Kara:  Okay, good, (whispers so her tummy can't hear) my tummy thinks it's dessert.
