What a morning

Since my sister had surgery today, my mom was busy with her and couldn't watch Kara for me, like she usually does Monday mornings. So, while I scanned the checks people tithed yesterday, I had to bring Kara with me. Halfway through I dropped her off at school, where she did NOT cry! Yay! Then I finished scanning the checks and went to Target. After that it was lunch and Halloween costume shopping. Kara wanted to be a cowgirl, but of course they don't have that costume. By then it was time to pick Kara up and head straight to swim lessons. She did an AMAZING job swimming today. She swam on her back the width of the pool twice, dove a few times, and "had a tea party at the bottom of the pool". :-) Then we went to the Halloween costume store again where Kara picked a wonder woman costume. So cute!

Fortunately after that Kara had a looooong nap. Did I do a workout? Did I do chores? Nope, I watched tv and ate rice krispy treats.

Since my mom was going to be late taking care of Christina, I invited my dad over for dinner. I had a fully cooked flank steak in the fridge, so I made a mushroom veggie gravy, sliced the cold meat into thin strips, and heated it all up together. Add garlic mashed potatoes, corn, and biscuits, and you have a meal guys love. Meat and potatoes, I guess you can't go wrong. :-)
My mom came over eventually and had some too, then Kara cried FOREVER after she left because she wanted her. At least we'll see her tomorrow.

Tomorrow is bible study while Kara is at school, then we're heading over to Christina's to take care of her while my mom goes to a meeting. Kara can nap there while I take care of Christina.


Anonymous said…
Dinner sounds yummy!!! And I think it's SO Neat Kara is going to be Wonder Woman! I can remember my cousin and I making paper bracelets and pretending to be Wonder Woman! lol
Vicky said…
I can't believe that Wonder Woman is still an option! They probably would have some cowboy/girl type stuff at Dollar Tree.

I sure hope this surgery takes care of Christina's ankle problems!
Elisabeth said…
Awww, make sure you tell Kara that Ryan wants to be a cowboy!! All I am going to buy for Ryan is cowboy boots (assuming that's what he still wants to be when the time comes). He already has plenty of plaid shirts and a cowboy hat and a horse to use.
Do you remember Hannah's costume from last year? I think she was super woman. There should be pics on fb if you don't remember. Anyway, it's been in Hannah's closet since last year and she won't wear it now so I'll mail it to you if you want Kara to try it.
Seems like I was going to say something else too but I don't know now. Love ya!