Alarm Clock

For years, I woke up to a horribly shrill beeping, which jolted me out of my peaceful slumber at an outrageous hour - 5am. Through high school, through college, through working. Then I got pregnant and was sicker than I ever had been in my life - than most people ever get in their lives. My new alarm clock was vomit. I would vomit every hour, on the hour, whether I was awake or asleep, unless I moved AT ALL and would vomit again, or if I saw any ranch dressing commercial or cheese commercial. Lol!

Then, my sweet baby girl came into this world......... In the middle of the night, she would make the tiniest little whimper to let me know she was hungry, and we would nurse in the dark in her room with a little night light and her night-night music (which she still listens to). It was such a nice way to wake up and we would often fall asleep that way - me sitting in that comfy chair with my feet up, and her eating. We were in her tiny little nursery, all the country was asleep, and we were in our peaceful cocoon. Such precious nights! I never minded getting up in the night (well, "never" except for two nights when she screamed and screamed and I made Michael get up - colic sucks) because usually she just needed a quick diaper change, needed to be nursed, and was off to sleep again for another 3 or 4 hours.

After we switched to formula, she was sleeping through the night and she would wake up well into the morning, with coos and later playing with her toys on her bed. Let me say, that is the BEST way to wake up. Hearing that sweet voice in the monitor always woke me up with a smile. Even now when I hear, "Mommy, can I wake up now?" I wake up smiling.

*sigh* School started this week and for the first time in 5 years (since I quit work) I have to wake up every day to an alarm clock beeping in my ear, jolting me out of sleep. It may be set for 7:30, but I'd rather wake up to my baby girl!!


Anonymous said…
You'll come to REALLY appreciate Thanksgiving break, Christmas break and spring break!!!! I know how you feel!!!!
Kattrina said…
I HATE alarm clocks. I think my mom ruined me. All through school, until I graduated from high school, my mom would come in a wake me up. So rather than an alarm clock, I'd just hear my mom say, "Kattrina, time to wake up" and I'd crawl out of bed. When I moved away I had to start using an alarm and I'd be so scared of the beeping I couldn't fall asleep at night. Now I'm completely used to it though - but I don't EVER enjoy getting up at 4:51am, especially going to work.
Vicky said…
DH has ALWAYS been in charge of the alarm clock!

I HATED him waking me up at 4:30 to get ready for work!

Those days are gone, praise the LORD! We don't even need an alarm clock as his body is his alarm clock......without fail.....every day he is up by 6:30 (or earlier) to 6:45..............and I GET TO STAY IN BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!