First Day of School

Here's our sweetie pie on her first day of school. She woke up at a decent time on her own, ate a great breakfast, and put on her Dora backpack. She was really excited.

Once we got to her class, we put her backpack in her cubby, found her chair, and she began working on a puzzle. I was just standing there, so she looked at me with raised eyebrows and said, "BYE!"

I went right to my grandparents house with my mom for some cleaning. We both worked really hard for two straight hours and got almost the whole place clean. By the time we were done (yes, keeping busy was good for me - I didn't cry), it was time to pick up Kara. Here she is walking to me with a big old smile on her face. Her teacher is the one with the brown hair, and her name is Miss Liz!!! It's easy to remember. :-) Kara sits at Miss Diane's table (the lady in the doorway with light hair).

I asked if she did well and they said yes. I said, "good, she's so shy." They looked at me like I had three heads and said, "not really!" I love it! I think she'll always love school, I did - until I was like 15. :-)

After she came home it was lunch time, then nap time. While she napped, I stayed busy weeding and cleaning the house's siding. Mind you, I don't weed. In fact, the weeds' height could be measured in feet, not inches! I also pruned the rose bushes. *sigh* I am NOT cut out for gardening. I have so many bug bites and tons of scratches on my legs. It doesn't even look that good because all the weeds that are 6 inches and shorter are all still there. :-)

Tonight was the perfect night to pull out a lasagna from the freezer for dinner. Now I'm sore and looking forward to a play date tomorrow. Kara is coming with me since her school has two first days. Half the kids went today, half are going tomorrow, and everyone goes Friday.

Have a great night everyone!


Jessica said…
Im so glad she had a good first day of school! And Im also glad she liked it! I'm glad you survived and you were smart by keeping busy! I hope she thoroughly enjoys school and doesn't get bored because she is so smart! Many more first day's of school, be prepared! They don't get much easier! Love ya!
Vicky said…
Yes, very smart to be busy that first day! I'm so glad she did so well! sigh! She is definitely growing up! If she IS Michael's daughter (LOL!) she WILL LOVE school!

I'll have to post again because there was something else I wanted to comment on, but I have forgotten what it was, LOL! BRB! :P
Vicky said…
Now I remember! I liked the idea of 2 first days and splitting the kids up! What a great idea! I imagine that was a help, not only for the teachers, but especially for the kids!

Also, Love the name of her teacher!
Anonymous said…
Love that braid in her hair! SO cute! Glad she had a great day!