Preschool - still not sure we like it

Kara overall likes preschool, but she cries every day (except the first day). Not when I'm leaving, but sometime during the day. She tells me she cries because she misses me and because she's sad. Her teacher says it's usually when another kid gets in trouble (my mom said I hated to see anyone get in trouble when I was her age too). I told her I will be there to pick her up every time, just like church, and she seems okay about it. I told her God was with her during the day and she'd never be alone, and she really liked that. She said there was someone sitting on both sides of her, so God was standing behind her chair. She still wishes Hannah was there with her. :-)

Every day I pick her up, her teacher says she did cry, but less than the day before, and she has her night-night in hand. *sigh* This is supposed to be the fun part - I'm freaked out about 1st grade now, since Hannah doesn't like it, this is supposed to be the easy year. Maybe since she LOVES learning and doing worksheets and math and letters, 1st grade will be fun and preschool is when we're getting it over with. Maybe.


Vicky said…
Jessica used to cry sometimes when the other kids would get into trouble. I'll never forget her standing watch at the top of the stairs when Tim and I held Michael down to wash his mouth out with soap once! I felt worse for her than Michael! :)

Kara will do fine! It all takes time and adjustment! Love that you told her God is with her and she said he was standing behind her since the seats next to her were full! So sweet!