New Bible Study

Today was the first day of my new Bible Study. Let's face it, this summer, my own quiet time has been "light" shall we say. I really enjoy the group atmosphere of a bible study that not only holds me accountable, but keeps me focused. I was happy to learn that we are doing Beth Moore's study on Revelation. Believe it or not, it's going to be fairly light! Well, the work load will be anyway. I just finished this whole week's study in less time that would usually take for one day's worth. I'm fine with that, but may need to go out and buy another book so I can do two studies at once.

Today we spent most of our time in Revelation 1:1-8 learning that God is, was, and is to come. This is something most of us learned a long time ago, but it's just as wonderful to hear it again and again. She used her body to demonstrate and help us imagine God. Imagine Him looking at us and saying, "I am". Then imagine Him looking to the left and saying, "I was." and finally Him looking to the right and saying, "I will be." Again, the concept of God always existing is wonderful, but thinking about Him always being WITH ME, past, present and future is awesome. I have a lot of dark things in my past the Lord forgave and never brings up again. I have a lot of sins I commit on a daily basis, and He is working on that with me. But no matter what, He has always been there, He is there now, and He will always be there for me in the future. No. Matter. What.

Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so.


Vicky said…
So good! Our God is an AWESOME God, for sure!