Windows, Transoms, and Doors. Oh my!

Time to finalize the decisions about the windows and doors.  The doors are pretty much finalized and they are fabulous.  While at the meeting a few weeks ago in Alabama with the window guy, we narrowed down what I'm looking for (Craftsman style) to these two options.  I cut them out and put them on my plans so I could see what they look like on our house.

(The front door says "breakfast" because it looks like what the front door will look like.  Only the front door is going to be 8 feet tall.  Also, those triangles are on the windows to show they open up or down.)

These are what I described for him:

But he sent these as another option and they match the front door:

I think I am going to go with the second option since they all match the doors and since they obstruct the view the least.  I think they will be pretty and will go with the Craftsman look.

I asked Michael to come take a look at the windows and help me decide between the two and he said, "yeah, I could care less about that."  Bless his heart!  So, I decide myself.  :-)  I hope I love them because I'll have no one to blame but myself if we spend all this money and I don't like them!

Now to go through the 23 pages of window plans with a fine toothed comb to make sure they are what I want (and what I will agree to pay for!).  And the transoms.  And the slider, 3 french doors, and front door.  And the door hinges.  And the doorknobs. I'm going to need some time!  Good thing I have nothing to do but laundry.
