Alabama June Visit

Kara and I both had some anxiety issues last week.  Putting the house on the market and the impending flight made us both uneasy.  She kept saying, "I don't know why, but my head and my stomach just aren't right."  Then if she would get busy doing something, she'd be fine.  Yeah.  I know what that is.  Unfortunately we both didn't sleep worth anything the night before the flight, so we were feeling rough and our anxiety was not in a good place.

Praise God, once we got on the flight, the cool air started blowing on us, and we saw the flight was only half full, we started feeling better.  By the time we landed and started breathing that Alabama air, we were full of energy and so happy in our favorite state.  Anxiety.  I'm SO sick of it.

Anyway, we drove a blissful, traffic free drive to our town.

We looked at the pretty water as we headed over the bridges and up the mountain.  Then I made my parents not look at the water until we got up to our property, got out of the car, and I said, "okay, NOW!"  They were so sweet to play along and they were glad they did.  It takes your breath away!  The pictures just don't do it justice.

Over the next few days, we had fun on the property, driving around town, and checking out golf courses for my dad to play on when he visits.  Here are some pictures:

Of course they needed to be
introduced to Baby Pine

Just on the other side of our property there is a pretty meadow.
Are you surprised to hear there is a deer stand
facing this meadow?

How neat are these weeds?

Overlook from State Park
Kara loved going down the hill from the hotel to fish.  She laid on the ground, used a plastic cup, and scooped up fish when she saw one swim by.  lol!

Got one!
Oh, I love her.

Michael came to the land with us this morning:

We walked up the street/driveway since Michael's boat was
attached to the truck and there isn't space yet to turn around

She loves her woods

Pretty weeds

Don't think I'm weird for thinking this is pretty

All this stuff has bite marks in it.

Love that pathway

Saying goodbye to Baby Pine in case
we don't go in the woods again for
a while

I know she isn't posing, but I really like this one.
I'll write my next post about the progress they are making with the house.  It's impressive!


Vicky said…
I like taking pictures of pretty "weeds," too! Isn't it amazing how God cursed the earth with beauty, too! :D
Unknown said…
Love your woods!!!!