"Nature Study"

As Kara and I studiously plug along with school this summer, I am taking a look at where we are and thinking we need to slow down.  I know, it's a good problem to have, right?  I hate to slow down when we're on a roll, especially when she is loving it, but I'm going to anyway.  I hope I don't regret this!

So, my plan is to keep up with English and Math, but slow down with Science and History.  Also, I plan to incorporate more Geography, Art and Music.

In an effort to slow down Science, I decided we need to get outside in nature more.  So, early in the morning while we're supposed to be doing school, we're doing a new Science class we are calling "Nature Study."  Today we went to a park and listed all the things we knew (why flowers are around in Spring but not Summer, why God created vines to climb rather than stay on the ground, EVERYTHING we learned about bugs, etc.), then we had to come up with three things we didn't know and come home and look them up.

So, I took a camera, Kara took a camera, notebook, and pencil, and we headed out:

On a mission 

Found a bug - classified it as a beetle 

First thing to look up:  if the seeds are on this white dandelion and the pollen is on the yellow dandelion, how can they both be side by side at the same time?  (Most other flowers with pollen are gone as the seeds are being scattered and seedlings are growing this time of year.) 

Our classroom today 

Look at the branches:  if there were no leaves to classify the tree, we would see if the branches are alternate or opposite, which we learned on our maple syrup field trip.  This tree is alternate, fyi. 

Ferns!  Love them.  They use spores to reproduce instead of seeds. 

Thorns everywhere.  Why did God give plants thorns?  Protection.  Then we decided it would be fun to call thorns panther claws. 

Pretty.  We had to stop so Kara could draw this while I took a picture. 

Stop and feel with your feet.  Why is the grass wet?  Last night's storm brought a ton of rain, but the grass in the sun is dry.  And we reviewed the evaporation process. 

Termites.  We talked about how they work in a group, how they're probably females because, like most insects, the males only exist to mate with the queen, then they die and the females do everything else. 

Bugs eat the leaves and leave the veins.  What do the veins of a leaf do?  Carry water and food throughout the leaf. 

Look at all those caterpillars!  There were several of these nests.  We talked about why this is a good way for them to lay their eggs like this, why the leaves are dead, and what comes next for these guys. 

Second thing to look up!  What are those bubble things? 

See that little beetle?  Red with a black stripe down his back. 

I believe these will end up being blackberries. 

Third thing to look up - is this poison ivy? 

We talked about why these trees are leaning - turns out they're on a hill. 

Just when I was feeling bad about my skin, looks like this tree can use my wrinkle cream!
But Kara and I talked about what kinds of bugs would live in there.  And we talked about what kind of birds would like to get those bugs, and what kind of beak God gave the woodpecker. 

We talked about why this puddle is where it is.  Why isn't it higher on the hill?  Then we reviewed how rain/snow falls on a mountain, it flows downhill until it runs out the ocean, where it evaporates, and the process starts all over again.

I know there's more to all we talked about, but we're at the 4th grade level here.
Oh, and in case you're into Science, like us, here are the answers:
#1:  dandelions can be pollinated, and turn into the white seed head as quickly as overnight.  I'm thinking this is why they're EVERYWHERE.
#2:  The bubble things contain a bug called a spittlebug that feeds off the plant (but doesn't eat so much that it damages the plant)
#3:  Yep, pretty sure it is poison ivy.

This was the best day ever.  We need to be doing school like this even more often.  Because I'm always super positive, now I am praying Science at home with a book is still as fun as it always has been so far!  :-)
