It's that time again

Today Kara and I went in for our homeschool review.  I always brought her in the past so she'd see that I have to answer to someone with everything we do in school.  I also always brought her so she'd feel pride in a job well done - all her hard work paying off.  Every time (this is our fourth time) she is bored.  Every time she doesn't talk.  Every time she bugs me for gum and to play on my phone.  She's not coming next time.  lol!

I sat down pretty late (everyone always runs over their time - we have so much to show them!) and started in with English.  I showed them :

Grammar and Spelling text books we used, some of the books we read, and all of the book reports, etc she had done through the semester 

Then we got into the math:
This picture is sideways, but I showed her three of our Life of Fred books (which went in many more categories than just Math!), I just told her we're using Teaching Textbooks, and I showed her some of the worksheets I made for Kara (see the one I made with a bat on it when it was Halloween?).  In the end, I really just told her what we did without much evidence.  Now that I think about it, that's a little weird.  Maybe she saw more pages in my binder than I noticed.

Next was Social Studies:

Another sideways picture.  Sorry, folks, I don't feel like fixing them.   We flipped through our Story of the World curriculum and she seemed familiar with it.  We absolutely adore these books - Kara and I both hated history and it's quickly becoming our favorite subject.  We look forward to it now.  Crazy. If your kid doesn't like history, I highly recommend these books.

Next was Science:
Our good, old BJU 4th grade science.  I had tons of pictures in there too, but we only had time for a page or two.  I don't think she saw the workbook, I just listed in the table of contents how far we had gotten in the book.  Weird.

Next was art:
You're used to turning your head by now, right?  Skyping with Mamaw helps with art a lot, which is so nice for me.  Not to mention Kara's pottery classes and her constant drawing.  Here is a picture I copied for her homeschool portfolio of a wolf she drew the other day:

We added graphic design to her art category.  She is always on Blender or Sculptris creating something.  I think adults use these programs for work because they are extremely complicated and I couldn't begin to figure out how to use them.  Kara watched youtubeforchildren and figured it out herself.

Next was P.E.  I have photos of Kara riding her horses, swimming, sledding, running, etc.

I also keep a log of everything that would be considered P.E. in school:

I really just keep my calendar in my purse really detailed all year, then I sit down 2 or 3 times a year and write these all out.

Then we talked about Music.  Not very much to report here.  Which is nice because there's not much required at this level.  Maybe one day she'll want to learn an instrument, but I doubt it.  I'm thinking next year we may do a study on the different types of music - from ancient instruments through classical music through big band through current music.  That way she can see how it's evolved.  At this point, the state requires 3rd graders sing songs, sing in rounds, and do hand movements with the songs.  So, Father Abraham or Hokey Pokey would have us covered.

And I forgot to take a picture of Health.  We finished our Abeka Health book for 3rd graders, so that worked out nicely.

In the end, we got an X in the compliant box and they have us down for homeschooling next year.

Things to remember for next time - take more pictures of all the stuff she's doing on the computer, and all the lego robotics stuff she is getting into:

From a bucket of parts..... an actual robot! 

For now, we're good until January!  Unless I want to come early....which sounds like me.  :-)


Elisabeth said…
Can you imagine being Mrs Duggar and having to do this for probably 15 kids each year?
jeday0323 said…
You are so right, Liz! I ran into a friend of mine who home schools her 3 kids and she said she'd been there with the reviewer for an hour and a half!

I bet in Arkansas their laws are more relaxed and they probably don't have to do reviews with the county. Hmmm, now I want to look that up. :-)