What a difference a year makes.

In school the other week, we talked about Creation.  It's a good place to start with our Bible curriculum, right?  Genesis 1:1.  Begin at the beginning.  Kara and I studied this last year and we drew fun pictures about what was created on what day.  She asked a few questions and we both marveled about an all powerful, almighty God who can create something from nothing - unlike anyone else.  She was marveling for the first time, which helped me marvel all over again.

This year, she knows the story a little more, I have her looking things up in the Bible, and I ask her questions about what she thinks about that.  What else is said in the Bible about that.  What things can we learn from it, how can we apply it to our lives, and why do we think a story is important enough to God to put it in the Bible.

This year, she asked me, why didn't God just make everything all at once?  I loved that question.  Not only because it means she was really thinking about it, but because she knows God a lot better than she did a year ago.  She knows He's huge, yet all about details (that's where I get it from.)  ;-)  She knows He's just, yet gentle.  She knows He's all powerful and can do ANYTHING.  She knows this through and through.  So, this year, she asked, why didn't He just create everything in one day, all at once.  Because she KNOWS in her little heart that He can.

This was huge for me.  I love watching her fall in love with God and I love our Bible class in school.  If God called me to home school for no reason at all except to make sure I teach Bible at home with Kara, it's worth it.  :-)
