Harris Teeter, 6/12/13

We went to Harris Teeter for the diet coke sale and found a few other goodies.

I was out of my breakfast almonds, so I went to get a box.  They were on sale so I stocked up.
5 boxes
Original price - $3.79 each
Sale price - $2.50 each

They have a new flavor of poptarts out there I just have to try - peanut butter!
1 box
Original price - $2.49
Sale price - $2.19
(hmmm, that doesn't seem like a very good price now...)

Small jar natural peanut butter
Original price - $3.55
Sale price - $2.50

Dunkin Donuts Coffee (1 hazelnut, 1 french vanilla)
Original price - $9.25 each
Sale price - $5.97 each
(yes, it's a lot, but I cut it with half dunkin and half cheap stuff)  :-)

3 lbs overripe bananas
Sale price - $0.94
(banana bread, anyone?)

5 12pks diet coke
Original price - $6.79 each
Sale price - $2.71 each

6% tax - $1.57

Original Total - $79.95
I paid - $45.22
I saved - $34.73, which is 43%

43%.  Certainly not a personal record, but fun anyway.  I miss my coupons VERY much, but I still enjoy shopping sales and am fine with my current calling - home school.
