The tooth, the whole tooth, nothing but the tooth


That's how the lady from Texas who writes one of my favorite blogs starts out when she has something big to say.  I don't say y'all in every day conversation, but I just might start saying it in my blog!


Kara does NOT like losing teeth.  I remember what it was like, and I was the same way.  It totally creeped me out.  Feeling my loose tooth was awful.  It made me sick to my stomach thinking about it wiggling.  Gross.

Pulling it was worse - the hole where the tooth is supposed to be, the pocket of bloody, squishy gums.  Blech.

I was a big baby about losing teeth, not so much for the pain or blood, but the whole idea.  Teeth are supposed to be strong, bones, permanent.  Losing them is still a fear of mine!  I dream about it on a regular basis!

Unfortunately I passed this down to Kara.  Put that together with Michael passing down fainting at the sight of blood (something he developed as an adult, but she already has), and you get a lot of drama around here for loose teeth.

Today was the 4th day the tooth was hanging by a thread and impacting functioning - including eating, drinking, talking, and swallowing.  I decided the anticipation was what was killing her and I was going to pull it (if she didn't want to) right this second so she wouldn't have time to think about it and fret.

Well, after some tears from both of us, tooth #8 is out.  Her smile is constantly changing, which makes me sad, but her new smile is very lovely.

Holy moly, this is stressful.  How many baby teeth does a person lose anyway?  Let me go look that up....TWENTY?!  We're not going to make it.....
