Day 2

I forgot to bring the camera in with me today, so I don't have any cute pictures of our school day today.

We started with Bible, creation, then we started learning how to read the Bible.  (Our Bible lessons have been re-written in a workbook in story form - I always double check nothing weird has been added or nothing important left out before we read.)  She learned where the table of contents was and how to use it.  She learned book, chapter, and verse.  It's funny the things I take for granted - she didn't know how to do this and we're going to need to work on it quite a bit more.

Then we read.  Since we read all of our library books already, I taught her what encyclopedia meant and what wikipedia meant.  (She was astonished when I told her we didn't have computers when I was little and we looked things up in books called encyclopedias.  Kids these days....)  We also talked about the difference between dictionary and encyclopedia.  Anyway, I found wikipedia for kids and taught her how to use it.  We looked up wolf, did some grammar about wolves (capitalizing and nouns), and learned how to research what wolves eat.  I told her research is something she'll have to do the rest of her life and it's important we learn now.

Then we started our Zoology book for science.  We read about zoology and classifying animals.  We learned Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.  Organizing is kind of my thing, so I've always liked these.  Unfortunately Latin was never my thing, so it fizzled out quickly.  We talked about those words and Latin and how animals are described by a binomial name - their Genus and Species.  We looked up wolf, dog, coyote, and dingo and compared their binomial names.  Interesting.  Well, it sort of was - Kara yawned several times and got in trouble for not paying attention.  Tomorrow's zoology lesson will have to be more colorful.

We did spelling and vocabulary, which I need to bump up because she knew all vocabulary today and all but 2 spelling words.  Next week will be harder.

For math we reviewed multiplying by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.  Then I had her draw a picture showing "2 x 5 = 10."  She drew minecraft and two pens filled with 5 minecraft cows each.  Very good!

Then we practiced print and cursive 'b's, then she continued on with her story from the first day.

Lastly was chores - we cleaned the bathroom sinks.

We started around 8:15 and we're done by 10:15!

Now we're getting ready to take my mom to drop her car off to be fixed, and while we're out we'll do shopping and maybe lunch.

Have a great Tuesday!
