Once Upon a Child 1-19-13

I recently bought a TON of clothes for Kara at Mega Thrift, so when we went to Once Upon a Child, I was looking for books, movies, and shoes.  Here's what I found:

Here's the price breakdown:

brand new flip flops - $1
cool outer space book - $1

Total $2


Elisabeth said…
Too bad we didn't take a picture of your over flowing buggy at the Mega Thrift! It deserves a post of it's own!
jeday0323 said…
I am definitely going to do a huge post of that trip! I have so much to do to take the tags off (so many of the price tags were stapled directly to the clothes - gotta make sure I don't rip them), and I need to wash them and organize them according to size. But, I will be posting this week! That was ah-ma-zing. :-) Thanks for witnessing it.