In the Groove

I'm really feeling in the groove with school these days.  We've been doing a few subjects in an hour or less (and it feels like 15 minutes), taking a long break to run errands, eat lunch, go to a play date, whatever, then we come home to finish school when we're feeling fresh and ready to start again.  We're done with plenty of time for dinner and our day feels so smooth and seamless (and Kara doesn't feel overwhelmed because I'm trying to get her to finish everything before we run our errands...or before we eat!).  I even had time to get extra books for Spanish class, a dictionary for Kara, an extra book for me to read out loud to her, AND a gorgeous book on jungles, which is going to be our next unit - starting Monday morning.

Of course, if one area of your life is running smoothly, another isn't.  I have to make organizing more of a priority!  Kara's room exploded with Christmas toys and the computer room (aka Michael's office) is where all that miscellaneous stuff from the renovation ended up.  I need to donate old curtains, among other things.  Fortunately, no one in this house cares if the organizing is done except me.  :-)

Ah, Kara and I are in such a good place right now.  I'm riding this blissful wave while I can.
