Kara's heart

This is the kind of daughter I have.  She was throwing up all night and I slept in her room with her, to take care of her and to give her comfort that mommy is right here.  By 5am I hadn't gotten much sleep - especially with the intense rain and wind - we kept getting flash flood emergency messages on my phone and my dreams turned to flooded basements and soggy drywall all through the house.  Kara's 5am vomit woke her quite a bit and I told her to go to sleep and she assured me I could go to my own bed so I could sleep better.  It just amazes me how a 6 year old can think of someone else like that, especially when she's feeling so poorly.

Of course, several times when she was sick, I was brushing my teeth or going to the bathroom and when I got back to her, she'd say, "I threw up in the bucket while you were gone."  I told her I was so sorry I missed it and I wanted to be there to rub her back and tell her it's okay every time.  She said, "it's okay.  I don't mind being sick alone sometimes."

Not only is she really a champ when she's sick, but she has the energy to make me feel better.  What a sweet heart!
