Decisions, decisions

As you saw on facebook, I'm considering home schooling Kara next year for first grade (I'm like 75% sure I will).  When Kara was little, I said home school is out because there's no way I'd have the patience for it.  Our only options were public school and private school.  Then when I was helping Kara with homework earlier this year, I was amazed at how quickly she can learn something new.  I said, "huh, I could probably do home school if I was only teaching Kara.  This could be interesting."  (Don't you love when God brings something back to you that you said you'd "never" do?  lol!)  I brought it up to her to see if it sounded interesting to her and she said NO I want to go to school still.  Oh well, there goes that idea.  That was like 6 months ago.

Then the other day with her new 'special' math homework, I was teaching her a new concept.  She loved it so much, out of the blue she said, "mommy!  I want to do home school!  I love when you're the teacher!"  I talked to her several times since then and asked why she said no before and yes later.  All she could say was she changed her mind.  I keep telling her all the things she won't be able to do if she's home with me, and she still wants to.  Am I going to let a random comment by a 5 year old change my life?  No.  Do I believe God can speak to me through my 5 year old?  Yes.

So, today I met with my friend who home schools and she had some really encouraging things to say about it.  As soon as we have a Saturday free, I'm going to do a pretend home school day so Kara can see what it's really like.  While we will be able to sleep in, she's not going to watch tv all day and she won't stay in pjs all day - well, maybe pjs.  :-)  I haven't decided anything yet - just that I always wanted to take Kara's education 1 year at a time and do whatever was best for her.  I'm going to do a little research and see what path God wants us to go down.

Will you guys please pray for us?  I would like to home school, but I really just want to be in God's will.

(By the way, I've talked with Michael about it and we've both been praying for about a week now.  He had some reservations at first, but I explained what it would be like a little more and he says he supports whatever decision I make, especially since he knows I'm seeking the Lord on this.)

Home school has such a negative connotation because of the way it was 20 to 30 years ago.  It really is very different these days, but dealing with the lack of support will be hard on me.

Sheryl, do you still read my blog??


Elisabeth said…
I'm sure there are tons of groups on fb in your area. When I was considering hs'ing, one of my friends invited me to several from around here. That would be a good way to gather info and get support. Satan is tempting me to be jealous but I am so happy for you!
jessicaday said…
There is a lot of support and fun groups around here, including a huge group of about 65 kids right in my church. Still not sure it's for us, but it would be so easy....
Thank you for confessing your temptation for jealousy, but you are where the Lord wants you to be. Who knows? Things could always change in the future.
Madamommy said…
I homeschool yes... we were part of a homeschool co-op this past year where the kids took some classes with other homeschoolers taught by other homeschool moms. They loved it. As far as homeschooling... my advice to you my friend-because you are an organized detail oriented person like me... do homeschool differently. If you plan everyday by a schedule you will only get frustrated. When you don't get done what you needed to becuase something came up-and things will come up-you will get stressed out. That was very hard for me to learn at first-but once I "let go" it worked fine. Also-we use Alpha and Omega and I hate it. You can pick and choose curriculims... for instance-math with one publisher and science with another. Megan is very creative, artsy, but highly intelligent. I found for her some of our workbooks just bored her. They didn't interest her, which effected her learning. Halfway through I stopped the math book we were doing and bought a different one-and BOOM! We took off... you have to notice your child's learning style. Megan is very advanced in reading-as I am sure Kara is/will be-which helps b/c she can get on the computer to learn from different learning sites as well. It is hard for me as I have 4 at home... but with 1 you could probably finish school in like 2 hours each day. Homeschooling causes you to bond with your child in many ways-which is a blessing. Just make sure she gets that social outlet during the week... like with a sport-or creative class or something. Our girls do the co-op, church, and swimming 2xweek. This helps. I have had to step outside of my comfort zone to create playdates with children I do not know because Megan is social and gets lonely. I want her to have friends... not just hi/bye friends at church/sports, etc... but good friends to hang out with. I think you will enjoy homeschooling so long as you let things fly. If she is ahead or behind where she shoudl be for her age-that's okay... that's why you are homeschooling-to take it at her pace.
jessicaday said…
Sheryl, that's WONDERFUL advice. I will take every word of it to heart. Thank you. :-)
jessicaday said…
And, Sheryl, my friend uses the A Beka curriculum. Have you heard of it?
Vicky said…
A Beka is the curriculum the kids used in Christian school when we were in Ohio. It is GOOD curriculum! I love the advice of your friend!