Ready or not....

Well, it's been decided that I'm going to home school Kara next year for first grade.  I really feel like this is what God's plans are for us and I'm really excited about it.

As a control freak, I really like how much control I will have over my own daughter's education.  I was very limited in public school.  Yes, her teacher was awesome this year and tailored a lot to Kara.  What a blessing that is/was.  But I was not allowed to take her out of school for a vacation; and if she was sick, she could only stay home if she had a fever.  And if she was just not feeling well (some colds really take a hold of you and you need a good 5 days to recover), she couldn't stay home unless she had a doctor's note.  I didn't like that.  While I believe in following authority, I didn't appreciate that part of public school.

As a woman who loves to travel and teach my daughter other cultures and God's beautiful creation, I am excited to take Kara places.  At the beginning of the school year I told the teacher I like to take Kara for the afternoon to museums, to see farms, to see the redwoods, or whatever.  The teacher sadly shook her head and said, sorry, you can't do that.  You can't take her out of school for that - it's an unexcused absence.  I was always upset about that, but trusted God, who sent us to public school for Kara's kindergarten year.  Now that she's home, we'll be able to see the liberty bell, go to Washington DC anytime we want, and much more.  Hmmm, I'm going to have to plan that in with our budget!  lol.

I plan to join the home school group in our church so Kara will have plenty of opportunities to socialize and go on field trips with kids her own age/friends.  (There's about 65 kids in that group from kindergarten to age 14.)  But, I do not plan to join a co-op where a group of us moms get together and all teach the kids in a group.  I really don't think I could teach other people's kids.  I think I can only teach Kara because I know her so well that I know how her brain works.  (For example, when I taught her two-digit addition, all I had to say was we need to organize the columns, and she got it right away.  Not every kid learns that way and gets excited about organization!  lol!)

I'm working on purchasing the materials now (man oh man, they are not cheap), and looking at what paperwork I need to fill out for next year.

Please know I didn't come to this decision because I needed purpose.  Please know that I have no intention of keeping her home without socialization.  We will be hanging out with kids probably more than if she was in school (where they're not allowed to talk except at recess and lunch).

So, that's it.  I have no idea where Kara's second grade year will lead us, but I'm leaving it in God's hands and doing this for just a year.  (Assuming it goes well!  Kara may be enrolled right back in public school by October!  lol!!!)

I am so blessed to usually have so much support in whatever I do and this is the first big thing that I know I won't.  I've already had some *ahem* upturned noses.  Some people think I'm weird or that home school is not what's best for kids.  I am trusting on the Lord for His support, and I have my husband's support.  Hopefully any comments will be directed to me instead of Kara.


Elisabeth said…
We took Hannah out early on Friday to go camping. Shhhh! :) I will be interested in your homeschool journey so keep us filled in!
Blue Foot said…
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Kattrina said…
This isn't really related to my opinion of your decision to home-school, because that is truly your decision and people shouldn't be so quick to judge.

However, a lot of what goes on in schools is actually under our control. There are elections for school boards and there are many, many things that are voted on (i.e. No Child Left Behind) that effect the ways our children are educated and so although it's completely fine to be against the rules/regulations/opportunities that schools have - have you ever thought to oppose them or get involved in the local school board or research who is running for school board president and vote?

It's just a thought because a lot of people complain about public schools yet no one is doing anything when the budgets keep getting cut and cut and because of that there is no money for field trips or art or drama or any of that. So, although you will now be able to do whatever you want with Kara, the school system is never going to change if people don't get involved. And many teachers are unhappy with the way things are done in their schools too - but can't really do anything about it without support from the community.

Not a criticism of you (since I have no idea if you vote or whether you participate in local politics), just a criticism of the average U.S. citizen and some food for thought.
jessicaday said…
Liz, your school/county may not care so much.
Kattrina, I hear what you're saying, but I kind of see the reason for their rules. (There have been children left home alone by their negligent parents and the attendance rules were created to keep those kids safe.) So, I don't really want the rules to change, I just am looking at the bright side of home schooling. Kara will probably be back in public school the next year and I'm happy to live by the rules again.
jessicaday said…
Sorry, Liz, I didn't finish that sentence. Your school or county may not care so much, but because of different neglect/abuse instances in the past in our school/county, our rules are pretty strict.
Vicky said…
No matter what others say or think, the scripture "raise up a child in the way he should go" is going to be different for every parent. Behind the rearing is the will of God for each individual child. It is our task to find God's will and join Him, not ask Him to join in and support what we decide to do! We support you whatever you and Michael feel is the Lord's will for Kara's schooling!