
Fortunately my throat is feeling better. I slept a lot last night and plan to sleep a lot tonight. That usually does the trick for me, hopefully I'll stop this cold in it's tracks. Michael and Kara are both getting sick, so I doubt it!

I decided to rest and not do anything today, but there's always the normal things that need to be done. Take Kara to school, pick her up, change Kara's pee sheets, do a load of laundry, make dinner, do dishes, play with Kara and her little gerbil, etc. I did manage to rest quite a bit, which was nice. I watched some old movies: Road to Morocco and Bonnie & Clyde. Road to Morocco was funny and I liked it, but Bonnie & Clyde was very sad and depressing. I did see Warren Beatty as a young guy though - he was beautiful! I've only seen him the last few years, in his 70s. It made me wonder what Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt will look like as old men. :-)

Now Michael is out with the guys for a fishing meeting and I hope he's blowing off some steam. He's working so much and so hard. I know he's totally got the momentum going and having fun, but I think he could use some time to laugh with the guys and think about something other than work.

Tomorrow I'm taking Kara on a field trip - Santa is coming to McDonalds and her whole school is going. It's the last day of school before Christmas vacation, so we'll all meet there, see Santa, play in the play area, and leave whenever we feel like it. Then vacation starts!

I hope everyone is having a great Christmas week. :-)


Elisabeth said…
Still dealing with the pee sheets, huh?! Ryan goes thru phases. He does great for awhile and then pees the bed every night for a week or so. I thought it was only a boy thing because I can't recall Hannah EVER peeing the bed after I potty trained her during the day (like 2 1/2). Guess it's different for every child! I'm hoping Abigail follows in Hannah's footsteps in that area!
jessicaday said…
Actually, Kara still wears an overnight diaper every night. The pee sheets are when she soaks her diaper so much that it overflows. (Yes, I don't let her drink anything one hour before bed and we go potty twice before bed.) According to her doctor, he doesn't care that she still isn't potty trained overnight. I know it's only because she sleeps so hard. She fell out of bed last night and slept through that, so I know she's sleeping right through a full bladder! Anyway, they don't start worrying about it until she's 5 or 6.
Vicky said…
Well, since I'm catching up on my reading, I sure hope you and everyone is better/well by now!

WOW! Kara slept right through falling out of bed! What a sleeper!