Old Movies vs New Movies

Something I've been thinking about lately is the movie I saw the other day - Madame Bovary. It's an old black and white movie - a classic. I think it was made in the late 40s. It's about a woman who is a big dreamer and wants a big, fancy life. She marries an honest man - a doctor - who adores her. Since he's a small town doctor, she's stuck in a small town and wants out. She ends up having affairs with rich men who live interesting lives. The thing is, each affair ends badly and all the money she spends traveling to these men bankrupts her. Not to mention, all the time away makes her a stranger to her sweet little toddler daughter - who ends up preferring the nanny. It doesn't take long for Madame Bovary to commit suicide.

It got me thinking. That's not how movies are anymore. People have affairs and end up happier because of it. I feel like they glamorize cheating. Do I think people can't tell the difference between movies and real life? No. But, do I think Satan can whisper an idea into someone's ear however he wants? Yes. It's gross and kind of scary.


Vicky said…
I've never watched that movie, but sounds like I don't really need to. Yep, Satan can get us to do evil no matter what generation we are in!
jessicaday said…
Oh, don't get me wrong, it was a good movie! :-) The older ones are tragic and still awesome - like Gone with the Wind - one of my favorites and very tragic. :-)
I loved the pictures from the Biltmore trip - I'd love to do that one day.
I can't wait to see you soon!